The case study for the pledge needed a new upgraded package design, which had the retouching brand identity with new design layout.

Palmolive introduced a new product, super Scrub Gel Paste, selected both blue color theme and swearing as the final design approach in order to show the clean cocept very well in the kitchen.

Vielcla introduced the new product and needed to die cut to show the product.


Palmolive Super Scrubo Gel Paste
Vilecla - exstatic mob

Palmolive introduced a new dish wipe product. It needed to show the product image and developed the  line extension for the lemon flavor.

Black & Decker needed a new package design for its two product. Both had design connection in the layout.

Premier Value needed to upgrade its package design for the Bathroom Tissue. Illustration was hosted by clients and shown the concept of the softness by the cloudy in the sky.

Palmolive Dish Wipes
Black & Decker - SurgeXpress, Collector
Premier Value - Bathroom Tissue

Best Choice upgraded its Dish Gel product. Two final design layouts were shown for the case study to the client.

Spic and Span introduced the new product for the dish cleaner and developed two line extension.


Best Choice - Dish Gel 1
Best Choice - Dish Gel 2
Spic & Span
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