Four A was AD Agencies. It needed new identity which was associated with their name which has four "A."

ACSN was non-profit organization to take care of every family who lost any family members by the air plane crash.

DS was in-house design department in Colgate and Palmolive and developted new symbol for the co-workers.

Four A
Design Studio

Disney established its vacation resort in Florida. It need a new style identity. Illustration was used as one element.

"A Better Chance" was the non-profit organization for every young orphan. It gives them better opportunity to get the equal education. The logo needed to connect with those children. It is case study for having variations to show different directions.

A Better Chance 1
A Better Chance 2

One of the oldest hotel schools in Swiss, Ecole Hotel in Lausanne, needed a new symbol for the new centennial.

KSA was the Korean Student Club in Art Center College of Design, Pasadena. The symbol needed to combine the image of Korean and Art Center.

Ecole Hotel School - Swiss
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