The brand name, Hollywood, from the Brazilian cigarette company upgraded its package design. The simple design layout with the brand seal identity was used in the line extension.

Kodak film created a new product and needed the case study for looking at the design variants which had been shown the conceptual message along with its package design.


Kodak Advanta 1
Kodak Advanta 2

Personna needed its upgrade pack design in the competitor market. It needed more hi-end design style.

Walgreen introduced its own products to compete with the national brand. Design needed more hi-end styles with showing some tech-images.

Venus was the brand name for the wig product and needed a simple design layout to show the product. The Die-cut was necessary for the package.

Personna Guardian
Walgreen Razor Blade

Price Rite's brand, Bubble, needed its design for the children. The design might be fun and used the couple of the primary colors.

Larado is the brand name for the party supplies that needed a new package design. clients want to have fun and dynamical design for the consumer.


PriceRite - Bubbles
Larado - Party Cups
©2013 Open Seed Proactive Design Studio Inc. All Right Regerved.
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