Laura Lynn wanted to have a new pack design for the cooking cookie and Cookies Quick. Swering image on back shown quick time to cook.

America's Choice wanted a new pack design to add certain Latin culture. The traditional pattern was used in pack.


Bakery Style
Cookies Quick

Family Pantry shown simple design pack for extended Peanut Butter soft cookies.

Post Shreddies shown simple symmetrical design layout with the wheat farm scenery.

Key Food needed consistence design pack for new cake mix to extended. It is case study for crating variants.

Family Pantry
Post Shreddies
Key Food - Cake Mix

The local brand, SH, extended two dried fruit products. The package design connected with same layout along with two different schematic colors for separated the product. The curve band was carefully designed to connect with each box.


SH Dates & Raisins
©2013 Open Seed Proactive Design Studio Inc. All Right Regerved.
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