Dannon needed a new package design for the yogurt. It is case study for the design variants. showing fruits on the bottom is the ideal concepts for the entire extended products.

Krasdale needed upgrade pack for the Butter. Salted and Unsalted butter needed two separated pack. Unsalted one shown the red swearing flavor band.


Dannon - Fruit on the Bottom 1
Dannon - Fruit on the Bottom 2
Krasdale - Salted Butter

Laura Lynn extended three canned pie products. Use of simple curve ribbon shown to the each flavor colors, and back pattern had the consistency.

Laura Lynn - Apple Pie
Laura Lynn - Cherry Pie
Laura Lynn - Pumpkin Pie

Luigi Vitelli, Italian Brand, needed its upgraded package design for tomato products. Design shown the color theme of Italian; with Red, Blue, and Green.

Laura Lynn need canned chicken cream soup in simple design.

CF needed upgraded package design for its Tomato Paste. Design needed to show tropical concept of brightness sunshine

Luigi Vitelli - Tomatoes
Laura Lynn - Cream of Chicken
CF - Dominican Style Tomato Paste
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